Updated: 12 months ago
Article ID: 24507

Common Problems

An unexpected error occurred while trying to install or update.
Error Code: BLZBNTAGT00000A28

An unknown variable has prevented the game from installing or updating and may show a specific error message relating to what went wrong. Try the steps below to resolve this issue.


  1. Update your drivers and operating system to resolve any compatibility issues.
  2. Close all other applications to resolve software conflicts and free up resources.
  3. Delete the Tools folder to automatically rebuild outdated or corrupt files.
  4. Configure your security software's exception list to allow Blizzard applications to run.
Advanced Troubleshooting
  1. Run a security scan to remove any viruses or malware infections.
  2. Run ScanDisk and defragment your hard drive to try to repair any bad sectors.
    Note: Do not defragment a Solid State Drive (SSD).
  3. Run the Memory Diagnostic Tool to fix any errors in your computer's physical memory.


  1. Run Software Update to check for pending updates to software, drivers, and firmware.
  2. Close all other applications to resolve software conflicts and free up resources.
  3. Delete the Tools folder to automatically rebuild outdated or corrupt files.
  4. Configure your security software's exception list to allow Blizzard applications to run.
Advanced Troubleshooting
  1. Reset Folder and File Permissions to make sure there is no conflict between the latest OS update and your permissions.
  2. Repair Disk Permissions to resolve any permission conflicts with logon modules.
  3. Run the Apple Hardware Test to make sure there are no physical problems with your hard drive.
  4. Check for FileVault. FileVault/FileVault 2 enabled Macs are not supported and may cause this error. For assistance with FileVault, please contact Apple.

Tried everything here?

If the steps above did not resolve your problem, visit our Technical Support forum or contact us.