Warcraft III
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Heroes: Blademaster | Far Seer | Tauren Chieftain | Shadow Hunter
Units : Peon | Grunt | Troll Headhunter | Troll Berserker | Demolisher | Shaman
Witch Doctor | Spirit Walker | Raider | Kodo Beast | Wind Rider | Troll Batrider
Tauren | Spirit Wolf | Dire Wolf | Shadow Wolf | Serpent Ward
Unit Index | Orc Index

The Orcish Catapult has always been a standing asset to the Horde. Capable of hurling fiery projectiles over great distances, Orcish Catapults have been the doom of many Alliance regiments. Though a small team of Orcs must always be available to man these destructive machines, unerringly Catapults serve as the Horde's greatest siege weapon.

Level: 4
Cost: 220 50 4
Unit Type: Mechanical
Attack Type: Siege
Weapon Type: Artillery
Armor Type: Heavy
Armor: 2 (8*)
Ground Attack: 85 avg
(115 avg*)

*(#) = Stats when fully upgraded
Air Attack: None
Cooldown: 4.5
Full Damage Area: 2.5
2/5 Damage Area: 5
1/4 Damage Area: 15
Hit Points: 425
Health Regeneration: No
Mana: None
Mana Regeneration: N/A
Minimum Range: 25
Maximum Range: 115
Day Sight: 140
Night Sight: 120
Speed: Slow (220)
Build Time: 45
Trained At: Barracks
Requirements: War Mill, Stronghold
Transport Space
Production Hot Key: C

Use Catapults when assaulting enemy bases, especially on towers. Bring a few Catapults along with your army to attack other armies.

This unit does splash damage. Check out the above stats information for the areas of damage.

Catapults have a minimum range which means they cannot attack melee units or any units right next to them. You will have to move them away to hit targets right next to them.

Bring Peons with Catapults to repair them during and after battle.

Burning Oil (Passive)
Upgrades Catapults to fire rocks smothered in napalm, which causes the ground to burn.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
50 150 Barracks Fortress 30 sec.
Duration (Hero) Cooldown Mana Cost Range Area of Effect Allowed Targets Effect
2.02 (1.01) sec. 10 sec. None 80 15 Ground, Enemy, Neutral, Friend, Building, Self Ground Burns

Burning Oil Information

Total Duration of Flame Strike: 2.5
Damage Radius: 15
6 full burn damage per period. Full burn damage period: 0.5.
3 half burn damage per period. Half burn damage period: 1.

Steel Ranged Weapons
Increases the ranged attack damage of Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, Troll Batriders, and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
100 100 War Mill None 60 sec.

Thorium Ranged Weapons
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, Troll Batriders, and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
150 200 War Mill Stronghold 75 sec.

Arcanite Ranged Weapons
Further increases the ranged attack damage of Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, Troll Batriders, and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
200 300 War Mill Fortress 90 sec.

Steel Unit Armor
Increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Troll Batriders, Tauren, Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
150 75 War Mill None 60 sec.

Thorium Unit Armor
Further increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Troll Batriders, Tauren, Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
225 225 War Mill Stronghold 75 sec.

Arcanite Unit Armor
Further increases the armor of Grunts, Raiders, Troll Batriders, Tauren, Troll Headhunters, Troll Berserkers, Wind Riders, and Demolishers.
Research Cost Researched At Requirements Upgrade Time
300 375 War Mill Fortress 90 sec.

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